Hello Everyone!
Yes…it’s been a while, but I have had other things going on. There just isn’t enough time in the day to do it all! But, never fear! I have no plans to stop blogging, I just can’t guarantee how often I will be doing it.
First off, the checklist presently has an issue with the “Recent Price”category. I am in the midst of getting it fixed. The guide still works fine, but for some reason the code is being rendered differently now than in the past and it is generating an error. In the mean time, you can just click on “Choose Display Fields”, uncheck the “Recent Price” box, and hit “Submit”. That column will then go away. Stay tuned…(editor’s note…the error has been fixed!)
I wanted to spend this post giving you all a brief primer on the postcards that can be found at the WonderGround Gallery located in Downtown Disney in Anaheim, California. I do not profess to be an expert on these cards, but I do believe I possess a high percentage of the cards that have been sold there.
WonderGround opened it’s doors a few years ago (I don’t know the exact date) and is a Disney owned property. It features the art of various Disney artists and sells there work in various formats…from postcards all the way up to large limited edition giclée canvases.
I personally have 53 unique WonderGorund Gallery postcards. I suspect that there are at least 10-20 more…and possibly quite a few more. That said…when I look at all the WonderGround cards
for sale on eBay…I have almost all of them. So…I am guessing there are not more than 60-70 total cards as of this writing.
The bar code number associated with each card is not printed on the cards themselves. Rather the numbers appear on a price tag label used to seal the plastic sleeve that contains each card. The lower numbers I have are the cards that are the oldest. The highest numbers I
have are the cards I bought most recently. This suggests that there is some semblance of ascending order in the card numbering…but the numbering scheme itself seems rather random.
The earliest card I have is numbered
00006 84312 (“Hipster Mickey” by Jerrod Maruyama). I bought this sometime in late 2012 or early 2013. The most recent card I have is 00008 66709 (“The Fairest One of All” by Shannon Bonatakis). I purchased this card sometime in May, 2014.
The two earliest cards in my collection a have slightly different back than all the rest. The banner on the top back says “WonderGround – An Uncommon Gallery”. All the other cards say “WonderGround Gallery”.
Up until about two months ago (April, 2014), the cards cost $2.95 each. Like many things at Disneyland though, the price has gone up. The cards now cost $3.45 each.
So there you have it. A brief primer on the WonderGround Gallery and it’s postcards. I will continue to occasionally feature these cards on the blog as these are the only new cards coming out on a regular basis at the park. New postcards of the park proper are rare. Facebook, Instagram and all the rest have taken their toll on the postcard as a form of communication!
Until next time…
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