Market Report – NT0594 sells for $132.50

NT0594_saleHello everyone!  Things have been a little busy for me lately.  But, despite that, the database is now close to 1900 records , and I am past NT1500.  So, that’s all good.  And I do regularly keep track of auctions online, one of which caught my eye this week.

I think I have seen this card, NT0594, for sale on eBay only once before…and it had a pin hole in it from being tacked to a wall.  Never-the-less, that card went for a respectable price at the time.  So, when this one came up this week, I figured it was going to end on a high note.  And sure enough, it did!

What is interesting is how slow stuff like this starts.  Up until earlier today, the card was sitting at below $20.  But the snipers were lurking!  It’s as if no one wants to show any interest in hopes the card has slipped under the radar.  But, the Disney postcard collector is not so easily fooled!  Several were watching (including me…but I already have the aforementioned card with pin-hole) and in the end there were six bids from six different bidders.

There is currently another auction for a lot of cards that includes NT0541…it’s  already over $100, so it will be interesting to see where that all ends up.

Until next time…

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The Gray Line Booklet

Greetings…I hope this post finds all of you enjoying the end of a relaxing Saturday!

As I mentioned last week, I had purchased a Gray Line Tour postcard booklet in hopes that it would solve the mystery of the serrated edges on most of the copies of NT1168 and NT1168a that I have in my collection.  Today I received the booklet that I found on eBay this week, and sure enough, there they are!


eBay_stack_0004The back of these cards are brownish black, and among the 20 images in the set are the two cards that you would expect…NT1168 of Sleeping Beauty’s castle, and NT1168a of the Mark Twain.  By the looks of it, this is a later booklet, probably from the early 1970’s, maybe a little earlier.  And since there are blue back variations of these cards NT1168b_Greyline_2out there, I suspect they come from another, possibly earlier, booklet.

As an aside, I am pretty sure I have non-serrated versions of these cards in my collection (and they appear as un-serrated cards on  I would have to dig around a little bit in order to find mine.  At the end of the day, there probably should be two variants for each of these cards. (Blue back – from a booklet and not from a booklet, and brown back – same variations).  If you have both variations of both cards, please comment below…that would be useful information and close this question completely!

Until next time…

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eBay Grab Bag

WDW_DLand_eBay_StackLast week there was a seller in Florida offering a bunch of Disneyland and Walt Disney World cards for sale in the old “mystery stack” format.  That is…the seller chose not to detail what was in the lot.  When encountering this sort of thing, I will usually low ball the item and if I get it, great…maybe there will be some hidden treasure there.  If I don’t get it, then so be it.


Well…I was in a meeting last week when these lots were closing and, while the meeting did have my attention (albeit a bit divided), I was able to snag a few of them.  If you didn’t win, no worries, there really wasn’t anything super special in the Disneyland lots.  You didn’t miss anything.  But there were a few interesting items in terms of “cultural history” of the Disneyland park.

First up is a card (NT0037) from August, 1956 (oh…I forgot to mention…I would say about half of the cards were used).  This is a great card!  Ruth clearly was not totally comfortable with the idea of telling her friends that it was she who wanted to go to Disneyland!  So, as parents will sometimes do, she used “the boys as an excuse” for her trip out to Anaheim!  Good for you Ruth…wherever you are!



Next up is the back of NT0318Aa.  I’ll just let you read it…it made me smile!



Finally…on the collecting side of things, there was this Gray Line card which you would think is NT1168.  But, I don’t think it is.  Why?  Well, it has been removed from a booklet.  So, clearly, Gray Line must have published a booklet with the three cards that they eBay_stack_0004produced (NT1168 and it’s variants).  You may recall, if you have been reading this blog for a while, that I posted on this same issue almost exactly a year ago…here.  Anyway, a quick search on eBay shows that there was a “Los Angeles” booklet with 20 cards that have a similar back.  I just bought one for $9.99 while writing this post!  I’ll let you know what I find out.  (And if I am the last person in the community to figure this out…please, rescue me from my ignorance and add a comment below!)

Ok…that’s it for today!

Until next time…

P.S.  The Walt Disney World lots I won had some great stuff in them as well…I will talk about those in an upcoming post!

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Hidden Details – NT0247 and NT0249

When you spend enough time with these cards…or really any postcards I imagine…you start to see things that you don’t see at first glance, or even after several glances.  This is especially true when you spend time scanning the cards and seeing them blown up on the computer screen.

NT0247These details are everywhere…and today, I thought I would point out one that I stumbled across the other night.  NT0247 is a night view of the City Hall and Fire Station with a fire engine in front and a few folks milling about (actually quite a few if you look very closely.)  It’s a great night shot with the buildings outlined in light bulbs.

NT0247 - BekinsLooking closely at the lower right though, there is a detail that you might not expect…half of the Bekins moving carriage!  It is resting in front of a billboard with some attraction posters on it (more on this in a moment).  I thought this detail was pretty interesting because I don’t think that the Bekins moving sponsorship at the park lasted too terribly long.  So, you can effectively use this to date the photo to within some time frame.  (I could not find any ready information on when the Bekins carriage was at the park…I am sure someone out there knows.)

NT0249Getting back to the billboard that is visible in NT0247, it’s hard to tell exactly what poster is there in the dark on.  However, if we go to NT0249 we get another detail that is related to the billboard by the Fire Dept.  Zooming in on it we see see the billboard with another poster on it (probably not the same one shown in NT0247.)  It’s an early Matterhorn poster!  This hidden detail NT0249 - Matterhorn_Posterwould put this photo at sometime during or after 1959.

I can easily see spending a pile of time just looking at the cards blown up on the computer.  There is quite a bit more to look at when you do this.  So, I will be sure to post on more “Hidden Details” going forward.

Until next time…

P.S.  You get a much better look at the Bekins carriage in a number of other cards…NT0246 among them.

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Checklist Update



Its been a while since I have sent out a checklist update…I’ve been busy creating some other blogs and the day job too!  Nevertheless I wanted to let you all know that we are up to a total of over 1800 records in the database now…and that gets us through NT1364 for Disneyland.  I’ll be plugging away on these gradually again, I hope, over the next week…which should allow me to finish entering all the NT cards sometime in the next couple of weeks.

So stay tuned, and hopefully I will be able to make good on this promise!

Until next time…

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Bidding War – NT0603

As I have mentioned before, the “holy grail” of this hobby, in my opinion, is the Silver Banjo card NT1120B.  I don’t remember the exact price, but I saw this card sell on eBay some time ago for something in the neighborhood of $420.  That’s a fair amount of cash for a hobby that is actively participated in by less than a couple hundred people (again…my opinion/estimation.)  There may be little supply…but clearly, for this card, there was adequate demand.

As in most hobbies, though, there are always close contenders for that top “holy grail” spot.  In comics (one of my other passions) it’s always a toss up if the first Superman comic (Action #1) or first Batman comic (Detective Comics #27) will be on top in the “price realized” category.  And this hobby is no different!

NT0603_adjusted_3Today an auction closed on eBay for NT0603.  This is the Art Corner animated Donald Duck Frontierland card.  It’s a rather rare card, at least on eBay.  The card was up for seven days and when it was all over 11 bidders had bid 24 times to win this lot.  Final price was $380.

There are probably other cards out there that, if they showed up online, would challenge this price.  Say NT0599 or NT0601.  I have never seen either one of those.  I guess we’ll have to keep an eye out and see what happens!

Until next time…

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Addendum to my last post – NT0572 thru NT0575

Hello everyone…I hope you are having a great start to the Labor Day weekend!

I was on travel when I wrote the previous post, so I didn’t have access to my collection.  When I got back, though, I was able to take a closer look at my postcards and found something a little odd.

NT0572 thru NT0575 are all animated cards with a similar design…a paper card with a smaller “Vari-Vue” card attached.

NT0572 (the one I posted on the other day) is of Mickey Mouse. If you look on Disneyland Postcards there are two of these shown…one with a black back, one with a blue back.  But the card that sold on eBay, the one I posted on a couple days ago, was different.  It had “G-1” and “20¢” in the stamp box.  So…I will call that card NT0572b.



NT0573 and NT0573A (Mickey and Pluto) are both listed in the Nickel Tour.  But the 20¢ stamp box thing is not mentioned.  Disneyland Postcards shows a number of variations of this card…and does show NT0573A with a “G-3” and the “20¢” price in the stamp box.  There are other variations of this card as well…one with a Vari-Vue that is too small (NT0573Aa…pictured here) and one with no Vari-Vue card on it at all!



NT0574 (Chip & Dale) does not appear to have any variants on Disneyland Postcards other than blue/black text thing…but I have a “G-2” variant card in my collection, and I will call that NT0574b.  It’s the only version I have of that card, and is pictured here.



NT0575 (Mermaid with Donald Duck) exists in variations similar to NT0573. (Blue/black text, G-4 and 20¢ price in stamp box).  I can’t find my versions of these cards at the moment…so no pictures!

So…there you have it…a brief (albeit a little confusing!) primer on this set of four Vari-Vue cards!  I hope you all found this useful.

Until next time…

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Recent eBay Results

A few rather interesting eBay results came up recently and I wanted to share them with you if you haven’t already taken notice.


First up…who is the lucky dog who got the Tahitian Terrace (NT0801) card for a Buy-It-Now price of $4.99?!?!  Well…whoever it was, congratulations!  That was obviously an over-the-top great deal.  And that actually speaks to one of the reasons why I love this hobby.  It’s still the wild west!  That would NEVER happen in a more mature hobby.  But in one like this that runs NT0572_1under the radar, you just never really know what’s going to happen!

Next up…an Art Corner Mickey Mouse (an odd 20 cent variant of NT0572) card that went for $72.  I did not see this coming.  There were three of these flicker cards available from the same seller and they all got really healthy prices.  Thing is…I am pretty sure I picked up one of these cards about two months ago for a small fraction of this price.  Someone out there wanted these cards…there were six bidders and seven total bids.

I will close with a lot that contained ten different postcard booklets from Walt Disney World.  Most of these booklets are not that hard to find, but the Polynesian Village booklet is rather uncommon in my experience.  This lot offered a great chance to get a complete (at lest I think it is complete) set of these booklets from WDW.  The lot went for $114 for all ten booklets; a pretty reasonable price, in my opinion.

Until next time…

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An Interesting Advertising Card from Walt Disney World

WDW-0030_AllianceMy office is a mess.  Usually anyway.  This afternoon I reached a moment when continuing, without taking measures to mitigate the clutter, was not an option. A 6 X 6 inch area is not enough space to move a mouse around.  An intervention was required!

In the process of cleaning up, I found a few things that I did not know I had!  One of them was this interesting version of WDW-0030 that was used by a company (Alliance Wholesalers) to advertise an event at the Ohio National Guard Armory n 1981.  I actually have three different versions of this advertising card…and they all say something a little different on the back.  Apparently the company was offering a raffle for a free trip to Walt Disney World at the event.

WDW-0030_Alliance_0001I wonder how often this sort of thing occurred and how it was actually done?  I suspect the cards were purchased separately at the park and then run through a printer to have the extra text put on them.  But I suppose there is a chance that they were printed this way from the start by the card manufacturer (seems unlikely though).  Either way, this reminds me of the pressed penny card I blogged on some time back.

If you have seen other cards used this way…let me know.  I would be happy to share them with everyone.

Until next time…

P.S.  I have integrated all of my blogs onto a Facebook page that can be accessed at Sundry Collectibles on Facebook.  If you use that site a lot…”like” me there and you won’t miss any posts!

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One year…and the 1955 Disneyland “Natural Color” Guide!

A year ago, on August 21st (ok…a year and two days), I started blogging on this site!  It’s been a great ride and a lot of fun.  I have enjoyed conversing with all of you who read it and hope that the following year will see more progress toward helping anyone who is interested get involved in this great hobby.

The other day I picked up a lot on eBay with a bunch of old photos of Disneyland, a couple of old tickets, and (the prize in the lot) a “Souvenir Book of Disneyland in Natural Color”.  It was a “Buy it Now” lot for a little over $50 so I took the plunge thinking it seemed a great price for the book.

1955_Guide_ReproWell, the book arrived and, and at first I was really happy with it.  If you are not familiar with this book, it was the first guide book made of the park, and was originally released in 1955. It has a bunch of images that were used for the first picture postcards of the park.  The story goes, though, that Walt was not pleased with it and chose to take on production of the books in house.  So it isn’t that common.

1955_Guide_Repro_0001So, while it is pretty cool, I was rather disappointed when I got to the end of the book and found that it is a 2005 reproduction of the original book.  It’s all stated on the back inside cover.  Take a look at the photos.  The seller was very gracious and we came to an amicable agreement after I pointed out the problem.  I was given an appropriate refund.

So…maybe I am the only one who didn’t know that this book was reproduced in 2005, but now you (if you didn’t already) know about it too!  So be careful out there!  (Reminds me of the reproduction postcards published for D23).

Until next time…

P.S.  I have been busy on a couple other blogs lately….check out my blog “hub” at Sundry Collectibles.

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