Updates to the “Other Disney Collectibles” Page


This is a super quick post tonight to let you know about one of the changes I have made to the site today.  I have decided to revamp the “Other Disney Collectibles” page and make it a little more personal.  Everything you see there from here forward will be an item directly from my collection.  I want to use this page to share with you the other cool Disney related stuff that I have, provide a little background about the item and hopefully pass along some of my passion for collecting these things!

To start it off, I have put up a scan of Walt Disney Comics and Stories issue 16 from 1942.  These are great comics, from an era when the comic book was king.

I will be adding items periodically to this page…so keep your eye out.  If it gets to be too much, I may have to create sub pages to keep it all organized…we will see where this all leads!

Until next time…when, I promise, I will get back to the post cards!

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How to Support my Blog

Hello everyone…I hope you are all having a lovely Friday evening!

ePNYou may have noticed that blogs like this one sometimes will solicit support from their readers directly.  That is, they will say, “If you like this blog you can send $5 to us via…blah, blah, blah.”  On this site, I don’t do that.  I am not a real fan of that direct appeal for money.

What have I done on this site, you ask?  Well, for the first year, I just blogged…and didn’t think about “support” via any means.  But after spending a fair bit of cash on the creation of the checklist tool (still a work in progress), I decided to look for a way to support the blog that wouldn’t be as direct as asking for donations.  In October, I signed up for eBay’s Partner Network.  As a result, if you click through an eBay link here, and buy something via Buy-it-Now or bid on an auction that ends in the next 24 hours, I will get a small commission.

So, if you want to support my blog, you have an easy “no cost” option:  just click the links here to get to eBay when you want to buy something.  If you don’t want to support my blog…it’s pretty simple…don’t click on these links!

That said…I hope all of you enjoy what I am doing here.  At the end of the day it is all about this rather enjoyable hobby.  I have multiple ideas brewing to make the site even better next year and I look forward to bringing them to you!

Until next time…(when we can discuss something more interesting!)

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A Sampling of Recent eBay Results

NT0432Occasionally, I like to take a look at recent eBay results to see if anything interesting has escaped my attention.  No matter what you collect, going onto eBay and looking at what people are buying and selling, as well as what they are asking and paying, is always educational and worthwhile.  A few items I found were noteworthy…so let’s take a look!

NT0498First off is a jumbo Tomorrowland card (NT0469A) shown above. Granted, this card was used, but for $5.99 and free shipping, somebody got a steal.  As I have said before, I personally like used cards.  There is a certain nostalgia to them, a slice of the contemporary culture that is unique to that person and that card.  In this particular case, Alex Jr. says “This really is a busy, fast moving place.  They really do drive 60 miles per hour all the time on the Freeways.”  Priceless!

Moving on, I was rather surprised to see this PDL-2 (NT0498) get $52.99.  I have had several of these and didn’t pay anywhere near that much for them.  To be sure, the card is not that common.  This is just another example of how anything can happen at any time in this hobby.  Maybe these were new collectors who needed the card.  Or, perhaps these were veteran collectors who, for whatever reason, had not been able to find the card and were tired of waiting for another chance.

Haunted_Mansion_FAnother interesting result was realized for this Haunted Mansion folder.  In general, folders are a great source for different images that were not made into individual post cards.  Along with this one, the Grand Canyon folder will often command a premium.  Both will usually get more than $20, but I was a little surprised to see this go for $42.

NT1101Finally…a random (and bizarre) result to finish out this post.  Anyone who has spent more than a few weeks collecting in this hobby should know that the Monsanto cards are as common as salt.  Apparently not everyone is aware of this fact, though, based on this result for NT1101.  I saw this and could not help but pity the buyer.  Sure, it’s only $16.99…but you can get a decent lunch for that!  Oh well…it is what it is!

I hope you have enjoyed this little tour.  This really is a great hobby…and a young one to boot.  I look forward to the day when more people collect.  But for now, I very much enjoy our small community!

Until next time…

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More Cards from eBay seller rystys closing today

NT0594Just a quick reminder that there are some great cards ending today on eBay from seller rystys. I had a brief message exchange with the seller recently.  They said that the collection that is being dispersed is out of a woman’s estate in Southern California who had recently passed away.  I am not close enough to the happenings down there to know who this might have been, but the collection is remarkable based on the cards we have seen so far.

Cards ending today include some rare Art Corners (Sleeping Beauty NT0594 among them),  Jumbo castle and Main Street cards, as well as a couple panoramas.

So, once again, don’t miss this opportunity if you are in the market for these cards!

Until next time…

Posted in Disney Postcards, Disneyland, Disneyland Postcards | Tagged | 4 Comments

A Curious French Disneyland Postcard

NT0644The fact that the French Disneyland postcards are rare is likely not a surprise to anyone reading this blog.  Behind the German black & white cards, the French cards are the next hardest to find, according to the Nickel Tour.  They were sold at Disneyland, to be sure. If you look carefully at the photo postcard of the Art Corner (NT0122) you can see the cards under a sign that says Cartes Postales in the upper right hand portion of the card. (At least I am pretty sure those are the French cards back there…it’s a little hard to tell).

But were the cards sold anywhere else?  This copy of NT0644 that I picked up recently makes me think that maybe they were.  It is post-marked November 11, 1959 and was sent from Paris (Gare Montparnasse to be exact).  The recipient of the card was someone in the UK.  The greeting is written in English.  I suppose it is possible that the person who wrote the card was at Disneyland and did not send the card until they got to Paris…but that seems unlikely given the subject matter and the postmark location (a train station in Paris).

NT0644_0001Another thought:  If you are looking for these online, I suggest searching for more than “Disneyland Postcards”…or any other term like that.  The cards all say Walt Disney Productions on the back, but that’s it.  There is no mention of Disneyland.  It might make more sense to search for “Mickey Mouse, Eiffel Tower”, or something along those lines.

Happy hunting!

Until next time…

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The Western River Railroad at Tokyo Disneyland

TD0033Hello everyone…I hope this post finds you all enjoying the Christmas holiday season.  My family and I went out to get a Christmas tree today and spent the afternoon decorating it.  This evening I finally cleaned up my embarrassingly cluttered office!  (And I do mean embarrassing).  I thought I would finish up the day with a quick post on this card from Tokyo Disneyland – The Western River Railroad.

This attraction is different in a couple respects from other Disney park railroads in that it only has one stop, has a narrower gauge and does not circumnavigate the park.  It does take a tour of Adventureland at Tokyo Disneyland and the ride lasts for about 15 minutes (which strikes me as remarkably long for a tour with only one stop).

NT0051_0001A couple of things catch my eye when I look at this card though.  First of all, the card is reminiscent of NT0051, which shows the Santa Fe and Disneyland Railroad at Disneyland.  The angle of the shot and, of course, style of the train are so similar that one can’t help but be reminded of this card when you see the Tokyo card.

Secondly, I found it interesting that there appears to be sponsorship from Tomy on the Japanese train.   Sponsorship in the parks is not that unusual.  After all, today the Disneyland Railroad no longer carries the sponsoring “Santa Fe” name that it once did.  I wonder what a company like Tomy has to pay to get their name on an attraction at a Disney park?

Anyway…I will be posting on a few more Tokyo cards in the near future.  I am also slowly adding the ones I have to the checklist database.  So, you can check that out if you are interested.

Until next time…

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Some New WonderGround cards etc.

KaI am on an extended trip in the Southern California area this week.  Tonight I decided to drop by Downtown Disney to see what was going on.  For the week after Thanksgiving, the place was remarkably crowded.  I am not sure if it was mostly locals or what….but it was really rather crowded between 7PM and 8PM tonight.

A quick stop into WonderGround netted a few new cards.  I have always had a soft spot for the Jungle Book, so I was happy to see this card of Ka, the wily python, for sale in the store.  The work is titled, “Charmed I’m SSSSSSure” and is by Jeff Granito.  Growing up I must have listened to the LP soundtrack of this movie a hundred times if I listened to it once.  It is just loaded with great lyrics, music and talent!

Disney_SingersI then went into the Grand Californian to hang out in the lobby for a little bit.  While there I had the good fortune to hear the “Disneyland Dickens Singers”.  They were really good and sang a bunch of traditional Christmas Carols as well as some more modern stuff.  They did a fantastic version of “Mary, Did You Know?”, as well as a perfect rendition of “Carol of the Bells”.  If you live in the area you should check them out.  They perform right in front of the big Christmas tree in the Grand Californian lobby.  Tonight they were on at 7:30 and 8:30.

I have a number of other things I wanted to talk about regarding some really interesting eBay lots, but I think I will save that for next time.  I’m a little too tired to continue right now!

Until next time…

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Reminder..Some Nice Cards Ending Today!

NT0597Just a quick reminder that there are some great cards ending today on eBay, including a copy of NT0597 shown here.  This same seller (rystys) who has been selling off some rare cards recently, is also letting a couple different panorama cards go as well.

The panorama’s come along every now and then, but it has been a while since I have seen the panorama of the Castle, NT0478, for sale online.  The other one is NT0472, Indian Dancers.

So, don’t miss this opportunity if you are in the market for these cards!

Until next time…

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Disney stuff…in Nassau?

Hey everyone!

I am presently on vacation with my family and my in-laws.  We rented a place on New Providence Island near the capital of Nassau in the Bahamas.  Internet access is really spotty at our place, but we are making do (perish the thought – no 24/7 internet!).

Today I wanted to post a quick note about some Disney related stuff I saw in town.


The most ubiquitous items we saw were these hand stitched straw bags. They are quite common. And yes, they actually are made by hand – not in China, like everything else seems to be! They had bags with princesses and with Mickey Mouse, etc.

Now, this all makes sense since Disney cruise lines do stop here (pretty sure). But I suspect the licensing of the characters is not “official”!

As far as postcards are concerned, I only saw one spinner rack with cards downtown, and there were no Disney characters to be found on any of the cards on the rack. But I will keep my eyes peeled!

Until next time…

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When it rains…

We have been having amazing weather in my part of the world lately.  Sunny, mild, clear skies.  Well, today it started raining, which is a good thing, because we need the water.  And while it isn’t pouring outside right now, the old addage, “When it rains, it pours”, is certainly true on eBay at the moment!

A couple of weeks ago you may have seen NT0596 come up on eBay. The is the Snow White over-sized Art Corner card.  It’s not common by any stretch, and at the end of the day it fetched $260.

NT0597Well today, not one, but TWO copies of NT0597 were put up on eBay.  I don’t think I have ever seen this card for sale online.  One is in excellent condition (with one corner slightly bent) and being offered by the seller rystys.  He/she has been busy selling off a rather high end collection over the last month or so.  The other copy is being offered by yellycat.  It isn’t in as nice a condition as the other card, but still looks to be in OK shape.  The card for sale by rystys is pictured here.

To give you an idea how rare the card is, it is not even pictured on disneylandpostcards.net.  That is saying something!

Anyway…if you are interested and don’t have this card, now would be a good time to act!  You may actually be able get a better deal on one since the cards will be competing against each to some extent.

Until next time…

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