Tag Archives: French Cards

A Curious French Disneyland Postcard

The fact that the French Disneyland postcards are rare is likely not a surprise to anyone reading this blog.  Behind the German black & white cards, the French cards are the next hardest to find, according to the Nickel Tour. … Continue reading

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Checklist Update etc.

Hi folks…I wanted to give you a quick update on the checklist to let you know where things are at the moment. The good news is that school is ending soon and I am expecting to get some help in … Continue reading

Posted in Disneyland, Disneyland Postcards | Tagged | Leave a comment

Recent Sales on eBay

Every once and a while on this blog I like to take a look at what is selling on eBay.  Recently, there have been some interesting results that are definitely worth noting…and some sales that frankly have me scratching my … Continue reading

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