The Pluto Postcard Mystery – NT0757

The other night when I was going through my 1-XXX cards, I came across this little mystery.   The Nickel Tour calls out several versions of this card…NT0757  (1-330 DT35932C) with text in red, NT0858 (010330 DT35932C) and NT0858A (same number as NT0858) which it claims are the same as NT0757, but numbered 010330 DT 35932C.

Shown here though are two cards that are both labelled 1-330 DT35932C and which have totally different text color.  The picture itself is the same.  The backs are blue lettered and identical.

So…I wonder what others of you out there have in your collections.  According to, the NT0858 and NT0858A both have yellow text.  My copy of what I thought was NT0858 actually has red text!  I am curious what you have in your collections…and which of these cards is truly hard to find.

It’s a minor problem…but the fact that the yellow texted version of 1-330 is not mentioned in the Nickel Tour makes me wonder if this is a rare card, or was it just missed.  I think I have seen the yellow texted version on eBay…but it has been a while.

Let me know what you think.

Until next time…

Blogging here and at Sundry Collectibles on comic books, vintage airline postcards, and other stuff!

About Todd

Hello. I have been collecting Disneyland postcards and paper items for a few years now and figured I would start to share my collection with any and all who are interested. I actually started blogging on Blogger ( but after a while realized I wanted a dedicated Disney site since it is a fairly niche hobby. Enjoy!
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4 Responses to The Pluto Postcard Mystery – NT0757

  1. Rob Newman says:

    Hi Todd, I just picked up a small group of cards on ebay that has the NT0858A postcard and the text on the front is yellow. Keep us posted. Thanks.

    • Todd says:

      Thanks Rob…I suspect the red version of 010330 that I have may actually be NT0858. But that would not jive with what’s on the site. So…hard to say for sure!

  2. aaron "Shawn" Visser says:

    i have both of these cards, but i have had them both since before either nickle tour books were published so i have not been looking but at shows and on ebay i seem to see the yellow one more!!!

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