Hello everyone! I hope all of you had a good break from the routine over the holiday. My family and I had a good “break”…but as the quotes indicate, sometimes the break feels more busy than the routine! At least the “busy-ness” is filled with activities that are more fun than the usual!
There was a pretty interesting result on eBay
recently that I wanted to comment on today. The seller must have found a set of cards at an estate sale or the like…and then posted them as a one lot. Included in the group was NT0005, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, NT0016, The Pink Elephants, and a copy of the Jiminy Cricket Art Corner card, NT0583. The other cards in the lot are mostly common, except for the aerial Disneyland view, which can often get a good result on its own depending on the day. (Looking more carefully at the lot while writing this post…there may have been two of these cards in the lot)
I was watching this auction with my nephew as the clock ticked down to the final seconds. With less than a minute to go, the bid was sitting at something like $22. My guess was that the ending price would be around $100-$125 for “retail” of these cards. ($40-$50 for NT0005, $20-25 for NT0016, $25-$30 for the Art Corner card (this might be low), and maybe $15-$20 for the aerial view…the rest of the cards “free with purchase”).
In the last ten seconds the bidding came fast and furious. $70…$81…$101…$132…with a final winning bid of $135.10.
So…what do we learn here? A couple things I think. First off…the NT0005 card continues to command a premium. I think everyone bidding here saw that as the most valuable card in the lot. The NT0583 card may have contributed to the price more than I guess…but we would need to see one go separately before making any real judgements there. And while we don’t see NT0016 that often, pegging it around $25-$30 seems about right based on this and other results.
Anyway…that’s all I have today. Stay tuned for my next post which will be on Disneyland Paris postcards.
Until next time…