Greetings…I hope this post finds all of you enjoying the end of a relaxing Saturday!
As I mentioned last week, I had purchased a Gray Line Tour postcard booklet in hopes that it would solve the mystery of the serrated edges on most of the copies of NT1168 and NT1168a that I have in my collection. Today I received the booklet that I found on eBay this week, and sure enough, there they are!
The back of these cards are brownish black, and among the 20 images in the set are the two cards that you would expect…NT1168 of Sleeping Beauty’s castle, and NT1168a of the Mark Twain. By the looks of it, this is a later booklet, probably from the early 1970’s, maybe a little earlier. And since there are blue back variations of these cards
out there, I suspect they come from another, possibly earlier, booklet.
As an aside, I am pretty sure I have non-serrated versions of these cards in my collection (and they appear as un-serrated cards on I would have to dig around a little bit in order to find mine. At the end of the day, there probably should be two variants for each of these cards. (Blue back – from a booklet and not from a booklet, and brown back – same variations). If you have both variations of both cards, please comment below…that would be useful information and close this question completely!
Until next time…