At long last, the new checklist tool is live for all to see and use!
To be sure, this is just the beginning, but you have to start somewhere. Right now, the tool only has NT0001 thru NT0266 loaded into it, along with a few other random cards. I have my nephew helping me load card data though, so you should see the list grow steadily over the next few weeks…starting with all the cards in the Nickel Tour.
The new “Checklist” page has all the details, but this tool should make the hobby a lot more accessible for new collectors and allow the advanced collector a useful tool for cataloging their collection.
I am already keeping a list of a few changes I want to make to the tool…so please play around with it and let me know what you think can be made to work better. If you want to have the ability to add records, please let me know. I can set you up with an account in no time.
Until next time…
P.S. That’s the front of the die cut 00006 78676 above if you were wondering…