Hello everyone, and welcome to Disney Postcards! If you have ever visited Sundry Collectibles on Blogger, then you are familiar with my posts. I finally decided that I needed to seperate my interests into a couple of blogs, because I figured not every person who is a Disney postcard fan, is a comic book fan, or a Dinky Toys fan, etc. etc. By dedicating this blog to Disney postcards and paper items, you’ll know what to expect with each post…namely, Disney stuff!!
So…for my inaugural post (prior to figuring out how to migrate some of my old posts, which I understand is a possibility) I will show a card that came from the Disney Family Museum up in San Francisco. It is by Mary Blair and features Alice falling into the rabbit hole.
It’s an interesting card in that the captions are all in Japanese, and yet I got it in San Francisco…so I am not totally sure what the deal is there. This was purchased a couple years back.
Anyway…thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this peak at this cool Mary Blair card!
Until next time…