Hi everybody!
This will serve, to some extent, as a continuation of my last post as there were a couple of interesting things that I wanted to share with you, but ran out of room and time to do so. There is not much to do with postcards in this post…but still some pretty cool Disneyana that you will hopefully enjoy.
Every time I go to Disneyland, I always reserve $20 to exchange for Disney Dollars. I have posted on these before as they really are a fun collectible. The great part about this collection is that it can readily be
disposed of by going to the park and spending the bills! Now, in most cases, that probably isn’t a good plan. But it is an option!
On my recent visit to the park I picked up some of the new “Mountain” series of bills. Shown here are the front and back of the $10 Space Mountain bill. Note that the bills from Disneyland all start with an “A”. The bills from WDW all start with a “D”. I have some bills with a T…which I think is also Disneyland. But, no worries, if you (or I, in this case) want to learn more about Disney Dollars, just check out DisneyDollars.net. This site has more info than you will ever need to get started in the hobby!
Another paper item from this visit is shown here. It’s a single rider ticket from Goofy’s Sky School in DCA. I was handed the ticket at the entrance to the single rider line, but had to give it back to the cast member tending the line before boarding the ride. I am sure there are people out there who collect this sort of thing…after all, there is a fledgling market for unused Fastpass
tickets, believe it or not!
Finally, on the postcard front, I wanted to share some of the auctions I am following for various reasons. I primarily follow these listings because I am curious what the final price will be, but I am also curious if anyone will actually buy the item!
1. This Panorama Folder has been getting a lot of attention in other auctions recently. Some of the prices have been nuts. It will be interesting to see where this one lands. Keep in mind, there are two versions of this folder out there…one with a 25 cent price and one without.
2. This Haunted Mansion 40th Anniversary tin will be a fun one to watch for the same reason. Some of these, as I mentioned in a previous post, have been selling for a fair bit. This one started low. It’s anyone’s guess where it will end!
3. This one is being sold as a “Disneyland 55th Anniversary” card, but I think the seller mistook the 55 on Mickey’s drum as the anniversary year. This is a perfect example of something that makes me ask, “I wonder if someone will buy this?” I guess we will see!
That’s it for tonight.
Until next time…